Environmental Policy
As an organization committed to protecting the environment and ensuring a sustainable future, we prioritize and are steadfast in our environmental responsibility.
Our environmental policy is based on the following key commitments:
Environmental Awareness and Consciousness: Respecting the environment and fostering environmental awareness at all levels is a primary goal. We aim to encourage awareness among our employees and stakeholders.
Control of Environmental Impacts: We strive to minimize the direct and indirect environmental impacts of our activities and continuously monitor and improve these impacts.
Legal Compliance and Standards: We ensure full compliance with all environmental regulations and closely follow sustainability programs at national and international levels.
Sustainability and Collaboration: By collaborating with environmental interest groups, we aim to contribute to creating a more livable and sustainable world.
Continuous Improvement: We regularly review our environmental performance, explore improvement opportunities, and commit to leaving a cleaner environment for future generations.
Awareness and Communication: To raise awareness of environmental issues, we encourage the participation of our employees, customers, and all stakeholders and support an open communication and sharing environment.